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In 2021, the global human resource management market size was estimated at USD 19.38 billion and is forecast to grow at a...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Human resources (HR) is a crucial aspect of any business, and artificial intelligence (AI) has played an important...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Employer branding (EB) is one of the most important disciplines of talent acquisition (TA). It is about the company's...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Consumers play an important role in promoting sustainable development. People have become more aware of the impact of...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Once a company has discovered its brand, it is important to build brand awareness. Brand awareness is the extent to...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2022


As social media marketing can play a crucial role in establishing a brand and fostering long-term customer...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2022


Digital marketing continues to grow at an astounding rate. eMarketer estimated that digital ad buyers...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2022


Over the last few years, business leaders have been reminded repeatedly of the interconnectedness and...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2022


Government agencies have caught the wave—reimagining their services end to end from the standpoint of their...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2020


Businesses today are more aware of the business value of new technology adoption, and the impact it can have on their...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


According to Boaz Amidor, Head of Corporate and Marketing Communications at WalkMe, lack of attention to employee...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


Resistance to change is the single most important and difficult challenge to overcome. Effective change management...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


Melissa Swift, who leads Korn Ferry’s Digital Advisory for North America and Global Accounts, contests that...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


Accountability and trust are among the most important traits of successful leaders. Trust in corporate leadership is...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2020


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption to our working lives.  To understand these changes, McKinsey...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


How has the DNA of our organisations been altered in recent months? And how will it evolve to support a super-resilient...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


Due to the sheer volume of start-ups and how fragmented the HR Tech space is, it can be difficult for HR leaders to keep...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


The coronavirus pandemic has proven the need for organisational agility, and Raconteur has identified the top crisis...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


According to David Deans, Technology Media Telecom analyst, enterprise corporate events are often a major component...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020


Many leaders have already identified the potential for technology to revolutionize their business. However,...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2020

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