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Services and Business Services > Social media market trends for brand awareness
Information, Communication, Technology ICT > Investment trends in cloud cybersecurity
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Energy and Natural Resources > Water scarcity changes sustainable future


In 2021, the global human resource management market size was estimated at USD 19.38 billion and is forecast to grow at a...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Human resources (HR) is a crucial aspect of any business, and artificial intelligence (AI) has played an important...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Employer branding (EB) is one of the most important disciplines of talent acquisition (TA). It is about the company's...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Consumers play an important role in promoting sustainable development. People have become more aware of the impact of...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


As more consumers become environmentally conscious, it is imperative that companies adopt sustainable packaging...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Smart cities use advanced technologies to improve people's productivity, sustainability, and quality of life. They...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Nov 2022


Once a company has discovered its brand, it is important to build brand awareness. Brand awareness is the extent to...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2022


Graphene-related materials come in a variety of types, grades and forms, each with its own commercial prospects....

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2022


As social media marketing can play a crucial role in establishing a brand and fostering long-term customer...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2022


According to the most recent Gartner forecast, the global semiconductor revenue has slowed to 7.4 percent in 2022,...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2022


The growing demand for food production and consumption is driving the need for a contemporary agricultural solution...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Oct 2022


  Smart contracts are one application of blockchain technology that will impact all commodity market...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2022


As cyber threats follow enterprises into the cloud, two key software markets are set to converge into a single...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2022


Over the last few years, business leaders have been reminded repeatedly of the interconnectedness and...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Sep 2022


Decentralized finance—often called DeFi—refers to the shift from traditional, centralized...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jul 2022


Nowadays, the advancements of drone technology are increasing exponentially. Drones have become very popular and...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jul 2022


Many manufacturers utilize automation technology in one form or another to improve operational efficiency within...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jun 2022


The need for food is indicated to quadruple over the next ten years, and the only acceptable alternative is to increase...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jun 2022


Urbanization and climate change are together exacerbating water scarcity—where water demand exceeds...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jun 2022


Increasing amounts of fluctuating renewable energy lead to decreasing electricity prices and impair security of...

Posted | Updated by Insights team:
Dr. Evangelo Damigos; PhD | Head of Digital Futures Research Desk
Publication | Update:

Jun 2022

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